As an internet marketer, or at least as someone who is familiar with the internet, you would come across the term “Lead Magnet” a lot. A lead magnet is essentially an incentive offered to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. An effective lead magnet idea is one that maximizes the number of targeted leads that you get for a particular offer.
Here are some of the Lead Magnet Ideas that you should know about…
#1: A free software tool or download
#2: Free coupons
#3: A quiz or a test
#4: A free webinar or a recorded video recording
#5: A case study
#6: A toolkit
#7: Free consultation or sales material
#8:  A free eBook or a report
#9: A PDF checklist
Each of these lead magnet ideas are proven to work and are guaranteed to get the attention of your audience. But it is not as simple as you think. You will need to work hard and take effective action to develop lead magnets that get you the expected results.
Follow the step-by-step guide given here to develop lead magnet ideas that work, time and time again.
 Step #1: Choosing a lead magnet
We have listed some of the best lead magnets above. You can pick any one of these ideas, depending on the information you would like to share. For example, if you’re going to offer a free report, what is it going to be about? If you want to offer a quiz instead, have you properly considered the questions?
An effective lead magnet does the following for you…
#1: It is attractive and grabs attention.
#2: It offers quality information that the client would want to have and would benefit them in some way or another.
#3: It is relevant to your products, business or service.
#4: It is simple enough for a potential client to understand, but hard enough so that they would want to have more information from you.
#5: It tells your clients what they need, is educational and descriptive about a problem and offers a simple solution. It tells them why they might find your product or service useful.
 Step #2: Create great content
Now that you know which lead magnet would be the right one to offer, the next step is to create great content for it. Some lead magnets such as eBooks or reports need more content than others; each lead magnet idea would require quality material.
Here are a few tips on content creation for a lead magnet…
#1: Designing a landing page for the lead magnet – The landing page should have enough descriptive content that explains what the lead magnet is and what it has to offer. The landing page will also have a download button to access the lead magnet.
 #2: Designing a form page – On the form page, the customer fills up a form before downloading the lead magnet. Most internet marketers ask for the subscriber’s phone number, name, e-mail address, business or profession and website URL. Only the name and the e-mail address need to be mandatory, the other entries can be made optional, this way, the subscriber doesn’t feel like they are being asked for too much information. As soon as they fill up the form, send them an email with the download link for the lead magnet.
#3: Designing a “thank you” page – The subscriber should be led to the thank you page after downloading the lead magnet. This is where you thank them for downloading the lead magnet and explain where they can find the download link. The “thank you” page allows you to track the number of times the lead magnet has been downloaded. This way you will know how many leads you’ve had.
 Step #3: Setting up the lead magnet on your website
You’ve done the hard work – created the landing page, form and the “thank you” page. You probably have the material for the lead magnet read as well. Now, it’s all about setting it up on your website. Add a web page called “resources” with links displayed right on top of your website. This should be unique and distinctive from the rest of the website and make it easy for people to opt-in, should they want to. Clicking on this link should take them to the landing page for the lead magnet.
Next, place effective calls-to-action for the lead magnet at various places on the website. This could be in the sidebar of your blog, below the web page or in other easily accessible places. The call-to-action should include attractive, clickable visuals for best effect.
Step #4: Optimizing the Conversions
The next step is to see if the lead magnet actually works. Track the number of downloads and find out how many of them have developed into leads. If you’re getting a fair share of downloads and a high conversion rate with your lead magnet, then you’ve done well. If not, find out why.
 Why a lead magnet fails to convert…
Reason #1:  Perhaps it supplies irrelevant information, which is not related to your business, product or service.
Reason #2: It is hard to understand.
Reason #3: It doesn’t offer enough information; lacks descriptive content or material.
Reason #4: It’s designed very unattractively; is an eye sore.
Reason #5: The email link or the download button is not working.
Reason #6: The email with the download link ends up in the SPAM folder of your subscriber.
We have discussed the importance of lead magnets, given you examples of effective lead magnet ideas and explained how to develop them. If your lead magnet fails to give you the expected results, do read the tips given here once again, try out different ideas till you get one that works.


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